2021 - The New DOLLY Shoes Year!
2021- This new year will be a real DOLLY SHOES Year!
We will bombard you with Ballerina's, but also Sneakers both for Dancing, Sports and everyday Leisure
DOLLY SHOES are mostly cute right, because they are so small and need to fit on a doll. We were famous some years ago for our collection of ballerina shoes, made in Italy and made in Spain. They were great indeed and looked marvelous...
I feel a ' but' coming up...
yes, but I ( the Dolly designer herself) personally found them not comfortable to walk on. My inhouse muse model daughter hated to wear them during the photoshoots, since they were hurting her feet... and I had to sell them, can you imagine?
I already mentioned I walk ballerina's my whole life. When I was a girl of 7 I started classic ballet school and wore the real dance shoes. They were so comfortable and maked me feel to look very lady-like and walked them inside the house as slippers. I wore them for so long there would be holes in the sole. As a grown up I wore all brands, expensive ones from Repetto and Bloch as well as the cheaper ones from my fav chain stores with the big Z and H. From walking the dogs for at least 1,5 hours a day, climbing the Sierra Nevada in Spain and working in the office and house I walk ballerina's. With an occasional sneaker, rain boot and high heel in between I can say I'm pretty trained, educated and experienced and feel I'm a ballerina shoes expert :-)
Now, after years of finding the right supplier and atelier and testing many, many samples to make new DOLLY flats I finally found them and testing them for the last couple of months and they are just PERFECT! With nice and small prices every Dolly girl can add a pair ( or 2) matching the tutu wardrobe without feeling you've spend a fortune. They are also great to gift every ballet lover! From baby size 16 up to women size 41 we have pink, black, red and gold and for the fashionista's we added a buckle belt to make even more of a statement!
SHOP DOLLY BALLERINAS > Available from January 2021
We even added T-shirts with Doly's ballerina shoes: NOT WITHOUT MY DOLLY BALLERINAS!
DOLLY's DNA is ballet and dance. Dancing can be Street, Hip-hop, Disco and what not. Athleisure is the latest Trend in fashion and wearing sneakers combined with every outfit is hotter than ever. That sad: in the fifties a sneaker was worn with the petticoat tutu, so it's nothing new, but hej, that is called fashion, it comes and goes and then it is retro and a trend.
DOLLY will introduce the latest style flyknits as well as the classic sneaker, canvas and hightops.
More styles being added in 2021
You go and walk your DOLLY's!